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A chicken I am
I know this is true.
Keep finding my eggs
Painted red, green, and blue.
They're strewn here and there
Quite random I think.
Higgledy piggledy
There's one in the sink.
There's one in that bush
That grass isn't real.
Just how do I know?
Well, the color is teal.
Look inside that shoe
You're not even near.
Guess that one's well hid
That egg's from last year.
Eggs laying all over
In the open and hid.
Hey, put that egg down
You've no right, you're a kid
I know that it's Easter
The question still begs.
Why does that Bunny
Keep hiding my eggs?
One day I began to wonder just where the Easter Bunny gets all his eggs. I mean, wouldn't it make more sense to have an Easter Chicken?
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