I think there are trolls in my house at night
I can’t guess what else it might be
That makes all the ice cream disappear
Because I know it’s not me
I will have a scoop or two before bed
Then into the freezer it goes
Yet the next day it seems to be gone
When asked they say no one knows
I look at my cat and I ask my dog
Yet neither admit to a thing
Not sure I should believe them or not
Maybe the parrot will sing
There are rumors my kids might be involved
I ask them just what they might know
‘Bout ice cream disappearing at night
Not them, they say it ain’t so
Despite finding spoons with ice cream on them
Tucked way down deep into their beds
They said Ice Cream Trolls do stuff like this
Mostly to mess with our heads
So there must be trolls in my house at night
Though, of course, I still have my doubts
But there is one thing that I know for sure
There’s no ice cream in my house
I'm not particularly partial to ice cream myself, but I do know it tends to mysteriously disappear. And everyone says, "Not ME!"