Little Bo Peep has lost her sheep
And she just doesn’t know what to do
The sheep, so you know, are not lost, instead
Hatched a plan to escape from the zoo
Their life on the farm, on the hills
Was as boring as boring can get
They called up a cab and made their escape
To days of freedom and fun, and yet
The beach was fun but sand in wool
Is not really so grand as it seems
Grumpy and itchy, not happy at all
Not really the bestest of sheep’s dreams
They tried to think what to do next
Maybe that, maybe this, maybe that
But they agreed not at all in the end
The sheep argued and then they just sat
My tummy thinks I want to eat
One of them said, which dampened their mood
Then they knew what’s clear to both you and me
Sheep gots no thumbs to open their food
Little Bo Peep came to their minds
We’re not happy and don’t want to roam
They took out their phones and called her and said,
“Come and get us we want to come home.”
I had a picture of a bunch of sheep riding in a car. So I had to write this poem so I would have an excuse to paint the picture.